Horoscope of Sunny Leone - A Discussion

What Sunny Leone's Horoscope says about her?

Horoscope of Sunny Leone - A Discussion
Image Source - uploaded by author (printscreen from my astrology software)
The purpose of this article is to find out why according to astrology Sunny Leone became a porn star. I tried to find out the correct horoscope of Sunny Leone over the Internet but could only get some rough data. I hope I will be able to find out something during this article.

There are some important features in Sunny Leone’s life: -

  1. She has been popular (in fact one of the most popular)  
  2. She has acted in porn films
  3. She lost her virginity at a very early age and discovered her bisexuality later  

The answer to why Sunny Leone is popular according her horoscope could be strong Venus and Mercury in the tenth house. Mercury is the eleventh house lord and the second house lord while Venus is the tenth house lord and the third house lord. Both these planets and the tenth house have Jupiter aspect.

This is the reason why she entered the film industry. Why porn films is the second question. Whenever I analyze something related to glamour I always try to find out what is happening in the twelfth house. In the horoscope of Sunny Leone, Rahu is in the twelfth house in Cancer.

The twelfth house lord is in the second house with Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo. Virgo likes entertainment world. But why Sunny Leone acted in porn films?

The answer is in the twelfth house in the horoscope of Sunny Leone. Twelfth house is a very sensitive area. While it could help a person attain the stage of enlightenment, it also reveals sexual pleasures. When Ketu is posited in the twelfth house, it is considered good but when Rahu is there in the twelfth house, the person could have hidden sexual indulgences. The desires of Rahu would never get satisfied, hence waste of energy.

At the age of 11, according to a website, Sunny Leone had her first kiss and lost virginity at 16. From March 1995 to March 1996, according to the available birth details, Sunny Leone was running Mars – Rahu period. It was Mars – Saturn at the age of 16.

Moreover, this Rahu has Mars aspect and Cancer is a Jal Rashi. Strong Venus makes a person attracted towards the glamour world. This Mars is a yogkaraka planet and I suppose its aspect (along with other factors) produced benefic results for Sunny Leone even if it was doing pornographic content.  

There is no need to tell who Sunny Leone is. I read her brief life history available at several websites to reach some conclusions before going through the horoscope. The date of birth, place of birth and time of birth of Sunny Leone is as follows: -

Date of birth – 13th May, 1981, Place of Birth – Sarnia, Ontario (Canada), Time of Birth – 14:30 hrs

Her horoscope according to this timing comes out to be as follows: -

Ascendant – Leo

This is the third consecutive horoscope of popular celebrities that I have gone through with Leo ascendant. The first one was Rajnikanth, Second one Shahrukh Khan and the third one is Sunny Leone if this date, time and place of birth are correct.

Second House – Saturn, Jupiter and Moon in Virgo

Sixth House – Ketu in Capricorn

Ninth House – Sun and Mars in ninth house in Aries

Tenth House – Venus and Mercury in Taurus

Twelfth House – Rahu in Cancer

If I say Mercury, Venus and Mars are the strongest planets in Sunny Leone’s horoscope, you could probably draw early conclusions. This timing could be correct as there is more in the horoscope of Sunny Leone that comes out.

What I find in the horoscope of Sunny Leone is as follows: -

  • Venus and Mercury in the Tenth House in Taurus
  • Jupiter aspect on the Tenth house, Mercury and Venus
  • Mars and Sun combining in the ninth house
  • Rahu in the twelfth house in Cancer with Mars aspect
  • Mars and Rahu together in Libra in Navamsa
  • Venus, Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces in Navamsa in the fourth house
  • In Dashamansha Saturn from the fourth house aspects Aquarius in the tenth house

And look at the fourth house in Sunny Leone’s horoscope: - Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury have a combined aspect there. Fourth house is for public and you know she is popular.


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