Effects / importance of planets degree and ascendant degree (rising sign degree) in astrology

Effect on planets strength by degree and relation with ascendant degree in vedic astrology

Effects / importance of planets degree and ascendant degree (rising sign degree) in astrology
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Another method in judging the strength of planets and their capacity to influence the birth chart through vedic astrology. Which planet can influence us more and which planet we will have to deal with more often in our life. This article also includes the importance of ascendant degree and how it influences the planets and dasha (ruling period).

The planets are situated in particular avasthas (states) depending upon its degree in every birthchart or horoscope. Every planet including the ascendant is at certain degrees and thus in certain avastas(states). The degree is very important in judging the strength of a planet. It is another way to look at the strength of a planet. These are known as baladi avasthas. There are 5 states that a planet can be in. So the 30 degrees is divided into 5 intervals of 6 degrees each. The five states and their corresponding degrees for odd signs are as follows:

  1. Child/Infant state (bala avastha) = 0 - 6 degrees
  2. Young state (kumara avastha) = 6 - 12 degrees
  3. Adult state (yuva avastha) = 12 - 18 degrees
  4. Mature state (vriddha avastha) = 18 - 24 degrees
  5. Old state (mrit avastha) = 24 - 30 degrees

For the even signs, the order gets reversed.

The avasthas for even signs are as follows:

  1. Old state (mrit avastha) = 0 - 6 degrees
  2. Mature state (vriddha avastha) = 6 - 12 degrees
  3. Adult state (yuva avastha) = 12 - 18 degrees
  4. Young state (kumara avastha) = 18 - 24 degrees
  5. Child/infant state (bala avastha) = 24 - 30 degrees

Among these states, the adult state or yuva avastha is the strongest and can give its results strongly. The second most powerful is the young state or kumara avastha. The young state is that adolescent state and in real life too an adolescent is able to do many things but not more than an adult generally. The 3rd most powerful is the child/infant state because even a child can learn things. The 4th becomes the mature state. The last and weakest is the old state. So, the planets state must be checked to determine their strength and at what rate it can influence. The planets in the old state is very weak and it becomes a planet that the native does not deal with much in their life. Those planets in old state won't be able to give its benefic as well as malefic results. So, it is good to have functional malefic planets in those degrees as they wont have the power to give the malefic results. On the other hand, planets in adult state becomes very strong and can give full results. The adult state planets are those planets we will have to deal more in this life time. Meaning, we will have to face the issues related to that planet. The issues or things can be benefic or malefic which will depend on other things in the birth chart.

However,  planets in the border degrees which are 29, 0 and 1 degrees become very strong irrespective of their avastha. 

Now, the ascendant does not get strong or weak depending on its degree. Another point is that the dasha(time period) of a planet in old state sometimes can be a favourable dasha and make you achieve things. This is where the importance of ascendent degree comes into the picture. The degree of the ascendant becomes the most prominent point of every single house. Any planet which is at a degree close to the ascendant degree becomes strong a can give full effects during its dasha. The planet must be within 3 degrees on either side of the ascendent degree. For example if the ascendent is at 12 degrees, then any planet in any sign within 9 to 15 degrees becomes strong and when a planet is at exact 12 degree mark, then that planet becomes the strongest. But the planets that are close to the ascendent degree with in 3 degrees can only give prominent results during its dasha(time period). It can be extended to within 5 degrees on either side of ascendent degree but it becomes much more weaker bond. Now, for example if saturn is at 28 degrees(old state) and saturn dasha(time period) is about to start, then that does not show saturn wont be able to give much results because if saturn is within the 3 degrees of ascendent degree on either side then saturn becomes powerful and will be able to give its results during its dasha. So, this is the significance of planetary and ascendant degrees in vedic astrology. 

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